FREE Family Wellness Workshop Series

Learn simple + pracical tools to support your family's health. 

This 3 part series will be done over the phone in a teleseminar model: November 21rd, 6-6:30pm MST December 14th, 12-12:30pm MST January 3rd, 8-8:30am MST 

During this Telesminar Series you will LEARN:

  • daily rhythms for your whole family,
  • watch for symptoms in advance, to anticipate the crud
  • learn the connection between colds and digestion,
  • why lunch needs to be the most power-packed meal of the day,
  • how oiling is magical for body, mind, and heart, and

Also receive: recipes, worksheets, resources and a downloadable link after each call.

About Rachel

Rachel is the mother of a three year old and wife to a 3rd grade teacher. So, she understands the importance of boosting the immune system and loves to share the tools she has been practicing and implementing since before her son was born. Colds and stomach bugs present themselves, learn what to watch for and how to support your family with a few simple . She'll share scientific research, personal stories and simple practice you can apply immediately after each call. 

Rachel Peters Mother, Wife, Wellness Advocate, Yoga Teacher, + Yoga Health Coach